அருள்மிகு விசாலாக்ஷி அம்மன் சமேத அருள்மிகு புன்னாகேஸ்வரர் திருக்கோவில் அரக்கோணத்திற்கு அருகே 12 கி.மி தொலைவில் நெமிலி கிராமத்தில் அமைந்துள்ளது. தேவேந்திரனும், நாகேஸ்வரனும் வழிபட்ட தலம். சுமார் 4.5 ஏக்கர் பரப்பளவில் அமைந்துள்ள இத்திருக்கோவிலின் கும்பாபிஷேகத் திருவிழா 09.12.2013 அன்று நடைபெற உள்ளது.
As a part of our contribution to the on-going renovation work, we had decided to take up the white washing of the compound walls of this temple. The temple being situated in a very vast area of land with equally big compound walls, which were ten feet high, it was a challenging task to be completed in a single day. Since Balalayam has been done in connection with the renovation, the sanctum itself had remained closed and there were no visiting devotees.
Over a period of the last one year, our volunteers have acquired a little expertise and speed in white washing and painting. At Nemili, the area to be covered was atleast twice that of Manavur temple and the number of volunteers was just half the size that we had at Manavur. Still our guys worked till 05.30pm and completed the job. For us it was one more day of our life spent in the service of God.
Before we left the temple, the sanctum was opened for our benefit. As balalayam has been done and no poojas were going on inside the temple, the Gurukkal permitted us to enter the sanctum and showed us the imprint of a five headed serpent on the back of the big Shivalingham. We are all indeed blessed and still carrying some poorva janma punyam to have a darshan this awesome sight of the serpent covering the main deity from behind.
Apart from this indication that the God was worshiped here by Nageswaran, it is said that Devendra also worshiped here. A carved panel on the stone ceiling in the temple, depicts Devendra on his Airavatham. This temple should have also served as a parihara sthalam as indicated by the carvings of lizard, snake, rahu/kethu etc in the ceiling. But unfortunately, no other details or record of the past history of the temple are available.
The Team -- before leaving Nemili |
How to Reach: Take a suburban train from Chennai Central to Arakkonam. From Arakkonam, buses plying through Nemili are available. The distance is only about 12 km. One can also take a share auto from Arakkonam.
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